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Meet The Team


Derek Carr

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Derek Carr is a follower of Jesus Christ, a husband, a father, a preacher, a leader, and the starting American Football quarterback for the Las Vegas Raiders of the National Football League for the eighth season in a row. He played college football at Fresno State University. Derek met his wife Heather while attending Fresno State University. The two were married on June 29, 2012. They have four beautiful children: Dallas, Deker, Deakon and Brooklyn. Faith is important to the Carr Family, and Derek enjoys spreading the Gospel and the love of God. Throughout the year, Derek preaches at his local church in Las Vegas and is passionate about spreading his ministry through the Altar Conference.


Mattie Montgomery

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Pastor Mattie Montgomery is the co-founder of The Altar Conference, and the senior leader of The Altar Fellowship in Johnson City, Tennessee. Mattie first stepped onto the stage of international ministry during his 10-year stint as the vocalist of renowned Spirit-filled hardcore band “For Today,” and prior to establishing The Altar Fellowship, spent years of his life serving the Church through his itinerant evangelistic ministry.  


Mattie is a visionary author, speaker, and pastor, who’s ministries have helped lead many thousands of people into faith in Christ, and train many more in leadership, evangelism, and worship.  Mattie is passionate about establishing the culture of the Kingdom in his generation through family and worship.  He and his wife, Candice, live and lead The Altar Fellowship in Johnson City, TN with their three sons, Kai, Caleb, and Carver.


Thomas W. Cook

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Conference Director

Thomas Cook grew up in East Tennessee and has been serving Christ through various ministries and churches for the last 13 years. Thomas is married to his amazing wife Nancy Cook, and they have a burning desire to exalt and follow Jesus for the rest of their lives. Thomas loves to worship the Lord through organizing events, connecting Christian leaders, leading worship, writing music, and preaching. He is honored to be serving Yahweh through The Altar Conference.

What We Believe

There is only one true God, Yahweh, who is the eternal King, Redeemer, and Creator. He is perfectly holy, just, loving, and truthful. He has revealed Himself to be eternally self-existent, One Being in three persons: God the Father, God the Son, and God the Holy Spirit.


The Bible is the only infallible, inspired, and authoritative Word of God.


God created humankind in His image to know, enjoy, and honor Him, but we have each willfully rejected the Lordship and standards of God.  Because of our rejection, sickness, death, and judgment entered the world, and now, creation experiences the effects and consequences of man’s sin.


The Lord Jesus Christ is the only begotten Son of God—the firstborn over all creation and the firstborn among many brethren. He was conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, and is God’s Anointed One (Messiah). He is empowered by the Holy Spirit to embody and establish God’s eternal Kingdom on Earth.


Jesus was crucified as the atoning sacrifice for our sins, died, was buried, resurrected, ascended into heaven, and is alive today, seated at the right hand of the Father, making intercession for His people. Jesus is wholly God and wholly man.


We are saved by God’s grace through faith in the person and work of Jesus Christ. Anyone can be brought into fellowship with God by repenting of dead works, trusting in the sufficiency of the atoning sacrifice of Christ, and receiving Him as his or her Savior and Lord.


The victorious redemptive work of Christ on the cross provides freedom from the power of the enemy--sin, lies, sickness, lack, and torment.

The Holy Spirit convicts, regenerates, justifies, sanctifies, and adopts us as God’s sons and daughters. His work in the life of the believer is to teach and equip us to better embody the character and power of Christ in the earth. 


The Holy Spirit sanctifies and dwells in us, enabling us to live holy lives and to minister supernaturally. The Holy Spirit is the guarantee of our salvation. 


The baptism of the Holy Spirit, as seen in Acts 1:4-8 and 2:4, is poured out on believers so that they might have power to bear effective witness to the Gospel and the glory of Christ Jesus.


The Church consists of all who put their faith in Jesus Christ, and Jesus gave His church the sacraments of baptism and communion. 


The Church (Body of Christ) exists as an extension of the ministry of Jesus Christ, to further advance His Kingdom by preaching and living the good news of God’s love, making disciples of nations; baptizing, and teaching those in our sphere of influence how to love and obey God.


Based on the redemptive work of Christ, the Holy Spirit joins God’s people (the Church) together as brothers and sisters in Christ, to glorify God by loving each other, and encouraging each other toward love and good deeds, as we await the final consummation of all things, when the kingdoms of this world become the Kingdoms of our God.


Heaven and hell are real places. There will be a resurrection of the saved and the lost. Those who have trusted Christ as their Lord and Savior will go on to everlasting life, and those who have rejected the Lordship of Jesus, to everlasting death.

About Us


"Therefore, my beloved brothers, be steadfast, immovable, always abounding in the work of the Lord, knowing that in the Lord your labor is not in vain."

- 1 Corinthians 15:58

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